

October 13, 2023
A conversation with Ray Garcia, Jonathan Gold, Evan Kleiman, Bricia Lopez, and Carlos Salgado about the evolving role of Mexican cuisine in LA as culture, art, and craft
为什么程序员必须坚持写技术博客? - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/624259381
不禁想起了自己还有这么一个博客的存在(汗颜)。回想自己从高中接触代码开始,受到网络上各路大神的影响,也曾经搭建过自己的博客。最开始时是在CSDN上注册账号,当时的CSDN还没现在这么多的广告;到了大学时,比较流行的是 hexo + github 静态页面的方式,类似的还有 jekyll,当时让我印象比较深刻的还有院科协的一个学长在 medium 上写了自己的博客;后来觉得这种方式还是比较繁琐,遂选择了在博客园上搭建新的博客,同时使用了一个相当简约的 CSS 主题来搭配;到了研究生时被 Notion 这个笔记软件良好的设计所吸引,便探索了如何基于 Notion 生成自己的博客页面,所幸有大神使用 Next.js + Vercel 实现了一个满足我需求与审美的方案,便有了现在这个博客。回顾下来,几年间并没有认真写过博客,反倒是在博客主题上花了太多的功夫。
JG: I’m a writer. Some people can call writers artists, some people cannot. In terms of food, there are people who approach cuisine from an art angle. Carlos Salgado is astonishing that way. His food is rooted in Mexican flavors, but there’s this level of abstraction in his food. Is it art as opposed to food? No, it’s food, but it’s being approached in a different way.
CS: The highest point in my life is being with close family and friends, in the backyard over a fire, cooking over the course of many hours, sitting under the sky, and just filling this space with so much warmth. When I’m cooking there, I feel much more like an artist than when I worked in the highest-concept restaurants. They are like museums of food, accessible only with a certain level of literacy on the part of the diner, with a certain level of cultural experience and background.
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Tamale with pepitas at Taco María in Costa Mesa
SS: This panel represents Mexican American cuisine in LA. What other kinds of Latin American cuisine or particular dishes from other regions do you like?
JG: El Salvadoreño cooking. It’s very basic, but the ways they use corn and greens and cheese. The fermentations are lovely.
EK: I love Guatemalan tamales, maybe more than Mexican tamales. The masa is often mixed with potato, so it’s much more tender. They’re wrapped in banana leaves, so there’s a different flavor. And the way they are filled is different; often there’s olives or raisins or prunes in them.